1. Tips to Overcome Dental Fear and Anxiety

    If you struggle with going to the dentist, scheduling a needed teeth cleaning or procedure is probably not the most important item on your to-do list. Unfortunately, ignoring your dental health can negatively affect your overall well-being. Putting off going to the dentist is never a good idea, so this blog will detail some simple tips to follow to help you to overcome dental fear and anxiety. If …Read More

  2. Foods to Eat for Dental Health

    Are you interested in eating better for optimum dental health? Choosing the right foods for your teeth is more important than you probably realize. Eating highly acidic or sugary foods can actually cause major damage to your teeth, gums, and overall oral health. In this article, we’ll discuss the best foods you can consume to keep your teeth and mouth healthy. The Dental Centre is here to help y…Read More

  3. Start 2017 with a Healthy Smile

    At The Dental Centre, we’re passionate about keeping your smile bright, beautiful, and healthy. When you’re making your 2017 resolutions, why not add a dental cleaning or checkup to your list? Getting regular dental check-ups ensures that your mouth is at its peak health, and alerts you to any possible issues. If you need restorative dentistry, orthodontics, cosmetic dentistry, or just a regul…Read More

  4. 4 Reasons Once-a-Year Dental Visits Aren’t Enough

    It’s probably easy to assume that just getting to the dentist once a year is enough to take care of your teeth. It’s not. There are plenty of reasons why dentists recommend getting a regular cleaning every six months, and here are four of those reasons to make it more often than just once a year. Reason #1: It helps to keep your teeth white. When you have white teeth, you usually have a much m…Read More

  5. Stressed about that Impending Visit to Your Dentist? Try Laughing in the Face of Your Fears (It Just Might be What the Doctor Ordered)

    Stressing about visiting the dentist is not that unusual. In fact, millions of Canadians and people around the world will report that a visit to the dentist can instill more fear than going to the doctor or sitting in an interview for a job they desperately need. If you’re experiencing fear or stress and anxiety about an impending visit your dentist, laughter can actually be the best medicine. T…Read More

  6. Managing Anxiety for that First Dental Visit … in Years

    It’s been a long time since you’ve been to the dentist. In fact, you aren’t even sure how many years it’s been. Whether you’ve made an appointment because you want to get back on a proper schedule to take care of your oral health or you have been experiencing some level of discomfort and pain lately, it’s a good thing that you’re planning on seeing your dentist soon. Between the time…Read More

  7. Two Primary Reasons why Biannual Dental Visits Are Important

    Most of us have heard over and over again how biannual dental visits are important. Visiting your dentist every six months is essential for good health of your teeth and gums as well as your breath. But if you have wondered exactly why these visits should be scheduled for every six months and why not a year or every two years, we have a good answer for you. If it was a perfect world, then you woul…Read More

  8. Can I Get Away with Once a Year Dental Visits?

    It is recommended that every person should visit their dentist for regular checkups and cleaning every six months. While you may be limited on your budget or just don’t enjoy spending time at the dentist’s office, you could be wondering whether it would be find to cut that back to once per year. It’s a reasonable question. After all, there are many things that we have been told through the y…Read More

  9. What Gums Say about Your Oral Health

    If you take care of your teeth, brush them twice a day, floss, and rinse with mouthwash, you may expect that your oral health is in great shape. However, even though you do all of those things, you may have some problems. You can tell a lot about a person’s oral health by the condition and state of their gums. Receding gums, inflamed gums, and even sensitive gums can all indicate that you may ha…Read More

  10. Get Your Cracked Tooth Repaired as Soon as Possible

    Having a cracked tooth can be painful. It can actually impact not only your smile and your dental health, but it has the potential to affect your overall health as well. Life is full of surprises and that means from time to time you may be dealt a harsh blow to your mouth, teeth, or gums. When that happens, you might end up with a cracked tooth. The first thing to do is to gather any large piece o…Read More