anxious-700-300x187It’s been a long time since you’ve been to the dentist. In fact, you aren’t even sure how many years it’s been. Whether you’ve made an appointment because you want to get back on a proper schedule to take care of your oral health or you have been experiencing some level of discomfort and pain lately, it’s a good thing that you’re planning on seeing your dentist soon.

Between the time that you decide to finally make that dental appointment and the date that you visit the dentist, you may experience some level of anxiety. Some people experience more anxiety than others, but it’s important to make sure that you manage it so that you don’t fall victim to a common issue with regard to this important oral health care visit.

Acknowledge the anxiety that you feel.

Even though you’re no longer a child, and even though you may expect yourself to be strong and independent, that doesn’t mean you are exempt from experiencing some level of anxiety when it comes to the dentist, especially if you haven’t been to see one in years.

Acknowledge your fear rather than try to deny it. If you deny it (on the conscious level), it’s not going to make much difference on the subconscious level, which is where deep-seated anxiety truly takes hold.

And here’s a tip for you…


Exercise is one of the best things that anyone can do to help alleviate anxiety. If you exercise regularly as it is, that’s great. Make sure that you schedule your exercise regimen for a couple of hours before you head to the dentist.

This will not only keep you from focusing on the upcoming visit, but it will also help to release more dopamine in the brain, which helps to alleviate stress.