1. Gum Disease Can Lead to Heart Attacks

    If you notice that your gums are sore, red, swollen, or bleed when you brush your teeth, then you could have an infection or other gum disease. It’s best to not ignore these problems, even if they don’t cause you any real pain. That’s because gum diseases or bacteria in the gums have the potential to lead to heart attacks. It may sound odd, but it’s a proven fact. The veins in your gums ar…Read More

  2. What Gums Say about Your Oral Health

    If you take care of your teeth, brush them twice a day, floss, and rinse with mouthwash, you may expect that your oral health is in great shape. However, even though you do all of those things, you may have some problems. You can tell a lot about a person’s oral health by the condition and state of their gums. Receding gums, inflamed gums, and even sensitive gums can all indicate that you may ha…Read More

  3. The Effects of Smoking on Your Smile

    We all know that smoking is bad for your overall health but what direct affects does it have on your smile? Using tobacco products has a very negative effect on your oral health. Some of the most obvious effects of smoking cigarettes has on your oral health are bad breath, tooth discoloration, and loss of taste and smell, but there can be more serious periodontal problems. One of the effects of sm…Read More