1. When it Comes to Removable Partial Dentures, Make the Right Choice for Your Health

    Removable partial dentures, or sometimes referred to as RPD’s, are a common option for individuals who have lost multiple teeth. One of the NOT recommended choices you can make when it comes to these removable partial dentures is choosing what are commonly referred to as “flippers”. These have earned that nickname as a result of the simplicity of them being popped out by the tongue motion. S…Read More

  2. Bridges, Caps, or Dentures … Which One is Right for You?

    You might know that it’s well past time to visit your dentist. Maybe you have some pain in your mouth, a chipped or cracked tooth, or perhaps you have a missing tooth or more. Without proper dental care throughout your life, thanks to highly processed foods, soda (pop), coffee, chocolate, alcohol, smoking, and much more … your teeth are going to take a beating. It’s going to weaken those tee…Read More

  3. Three Reasons Elderly Individuals Often Neglect their Dentures

    Most people don’t look to their retirement years hoping that they can finally get dentures. As more and more teeth problems arise within your mouth, you may have to extract increasing numbers of teeth. When you finally plan to get dentures, or if you have recently gotten them, it’s important to take proper care of them. Cleaning them daily, keeping your gums and the inside of your mouth clean,…Read More

  4. Three Ways to Deal with Missing Teeth

    The three most common ways dentists deal with missing teeth are a permanent bridge, an appliance (denture or retainer), or a permanent implant. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. They are broken down for you below. A permanent bridge is attached to the two teeth that surround the missing one. Those two teeth will be crowned and a fake tooth is connected between the crowns – hence …Read More

  5. Caring for Dentures

    Your teeth age just as the rest of your body does and as they get older, they are prone to an increase in problems. Many of these dental problems may result in tooth loss. To avoid pain and frequent dental visits, older people often opt to get dentures to replace their natural teeth. However, many people are unaware of what is involved in getting dentures. Below is how the procedure works, possibl…Read More

  6. How to Care for Your Dentures

    Keeping your mouth healthy is important at every stage of your life. It can get a little harder if you have dentures but with the right routine you’ll have a fresh mouth and confident smile. When you first get your dentures, your dentist will go over the care regimen with you. Be sure to ask any questions you may have. You can refer to this guide for tips on keeping your new dentures clean and f…Read More