1. 5 Steps to a Healthier, Happier Smile

    If you were to ask hundred people one thing that they would like with regard to their physical appearance, the vast majority of them will ultimately mention their smile. Having a healthy smile can have a dramatic impact on the rest of your life. People who smile more tend to have more confidence. They also have a tendency to attract more people to them. When people are attractive because they smil…Read More

  2. What Mysteries Linger within Your Mouth: Oral Health and Wellness

    No matter how often you brush, floss, and rinse with mouthwash, you may be surprised to learn that there are still many foreign contaminants in your mouth. What kinds of mysteries linger in the hidden crevices of your mouth? Why is it that no matter how much you care for them you still feel as though you have bad breath? Even certain foods that you eat that you thought were harmless can actually h…Read More

  3. Proper Toothbrush Tips to Maximize Your Oral Health

    Brushing your teeth might seem like an easy task. Yet millions of people throughout Canada actually do it wrong and this leads to an increased risk of cavities and other oral health problems. Below are a few tips to help you get the most out of your oral care when it comes to your toothbrush. Find the Right Toothbrush It all begins with the right toothbrush. Far too many Toronto residents, as well…Read More

  4. Veneers Are Not a Substitute for Proper Dental Care

    Most of us have been advised from an early age to take care of our teeth. We should be brushing and flossing twice a day, at least, and we should be watching what we eat. No matter what you do, though, you will find that there are challenges to maintaining a bright white smile. If you don’t have a smile that you’re proud of, if you have a tendency to hide your smile, then you could be looking …Read More

  5. All that Coffee Truly Does Affect Your Smile, and Your Breath

    If you drink coffee on a regular basis, then you’re not alone. There are millions of regular coffee drinkers throughout Ontario and the rest of Canada and for many of them, stained teeth and bad breath are part of the package deal. There are several foods and beverages (as well as a few bad habits) than affect the condition of our teeth. Soda can erode the enamel and cause staining. Smoking can …Read More

  6. Improving Cardiac Care through a Healthy Brushing Habit

    It may seem like an odd thing to tie cardiac health to taking care of one’s oral care, but the two have an interesting connection. In a previous article, we wrote about the dangers that bacteria along the gums can cause to the heart, increasing the risk of heart disease and even heart attack. What we didn’t connect was how proper oral care can have a direct impact on both. Don’t confuse this…Read More

  7. Gum Disease Can Lead to Heart Attacks

    If you notice that your gums are sore, red, swollen, or bleed when you brush your teeth, then you could have an infection or other gum disease. It’s best to not ignore these problems, even if they don’t cause you any real pain. That’s because gum diseases or bacteria in the gums have the potential to lead to heart attacks. It may sound odd, but it’s a proven fact. The veins in your gums ar…Read More

  8. 5 Ways to Overcome Bad Breath

    If you have bad breath, it can affect many aspects of your personal life. Depending on the severity of the halitosis, it can actually have a negative impact on your professional life as well. People respond to others with bad breath in various ways. Some will avoid getting too close to the individual with bad breath. Others will decide that it is not even worth being in the same room with them. Ov…Read More

  9. New to Uxbridge? 4 Steps to Choosing Your Next Dentist

    If you have just moved to Uxbridge, you are going to need to find a dentist. Even if you have good teeth, you brush and floss regularly, and eat the best types of food, you should still visit the dentist every six months for a checkup and cleaning. Finding a new dentist should not be a major challenge, but you do want to find someone with whom you’re comfortable and who has the experience to hel…Read More

  10. Affordable Alternatives to Major Dental Problems

    Any time that you require major dental work, the cost of such work will be a factor in your decision about whether to have it done or if you are going to delay it. There are certain dental and oral health issues that should not be put off if at all possible. For some people, this is not a realistic possibility, especially if they are struggling financially. Assuming that the dental problems that y…Read More