1. Some Great Oral Care Tips for the Busy Lifestyle

    There are many excuses people make for why they don’t pay more attention to their oral care. One of the most common is simply being too busy. Modern life seems to be incredibly busy and even though there are incredible technological innovations that help us accomplish more in a shorter amount of time, it still seems that we get far too busy to take care of ourselves in a healthy way. Below are a…Read More

  2. Bad Breath, Brushing, and Still No Improvement? Some Foods Could Help

    If you’ve been brushing your teeth on a regular basis, flossing twice a day, and rinsing with mouthwash afterward, you are taking care of your teeth the way dentists recommend. However, even though you might be brushing twice a day, flossing and rinsing with mouthwash, you could still have a problem with halitosis. Halitosis is essentially bad breath. A person who has bad breath may become self …Read More

  3. Brushing, Flossing, and Rinsing Are Essential to Proper Dental Care, but So is the Regular 6-Month Checkup!

    When it comes to health and well-being, many people will visit their primary care physician for a checkup every few years. Thankfully in Canada we enjoy universal healthcare coverage. It may be basic coverage, but it allows each person to be able to see their doctor for any number of reasons. Getting a regular checkup every couple of years can help detect potential problems before they become sign…Read More

  4. 5 Steps to a Healthier, Happier Smile

    If you were to ask hundred people one thing that they would like with regard to their physical appearance, the vast majority of them will ultimately mention their smile. Having a healthy smile can have a dramatic impact on the rest of your life. People who smile more tend to have more confidence. They also have a tendency to attract more people to them. When people are attractive because they smil…Read More