badteeth-300x199If you’ve been brushing your teeth on a regular basis, flossing twice a day, and rinsing with mouthwash afterward, you are taking care of your teeth the way dentists recommend. However, even though you might be brushing twice a day, flossing and rinsing with mouthwash, you could still have a problem with halitosis.

Halitosis is essentially bad breath. A person who has bad breath may become self conscious, uncomfortable speaking to others in close proximity, and may develop a habit of covering their mouth when they talk or even laugh within a group setting.

For those individuals who may still be dealing with severe halitosis, despite their exceptional oral care habits, there are some foods that could be incredibly beneficial at reducing this potentially embarrassing problem.

Parsley is one of the most well-known food items that can combat bad breath. It’s the oil within parsley that makes a difference.

Spearmint and cinnamon may only mask bad breath, but they don’t get to the heart of the problem like parsley can.

Yogurt. There are certain studies that indicate live active cultures within yogurt can help to reduce bad breath. Probiotics, or more commonly referred to as ‘good bacteria,’ can help to overpower the bad bacteria that causes bad breath.

Apples and pears. Any fruit that increases the production of saliva which helps to rebalance natural oral ecology is going to be beneficial. Apples and pears fall into that category.

Celery and cucumbers. These are crunchy vegetables that help to stimulate an increased production of saliva that helps to rinse away bad bacteria from the mouth.

Green tea. Green tea contains catechin which is a strong antioxidant that helps to fend off certain bacteria.

Try any of these food items on a regular basis and you should begin to notice a change in your breath for the better.