1. Proper Flossing Techniques Actually Do Matter, so Use these Tips

    Flossing is an important part of proper oral care. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day, preferably after every meal. As part of your proper oral care strategy, this should also include flossing and then rinsing with mouthwash. The technique that you use in flossing is actually going to be incredibly important. If you don’t floss properly, you could be leaving behind food …Read More

  2. Proper Flossing Technique

    Despite what dentists have been telling us for years, most people still believe that flossing is only necessary when debris is caught between their teeth. While it does remove these particles, it is important as a part of your daily oral care. Brushing alone does not remove all of the plaque or smaller particles from your mouth. The only way to thoroughly clean between your teeth is to floss. If y…Read More