1. How Smoking Impacts Dental Health, and Maybe even Your Confidence

    There are plenty of public service announcements, advertisements, and people admonishing how bad smoking is. However, millions of people continue to smoke throughout Canada and the rest of the world. That’s because nicotine is incredibly addictive. Of all of the drugs that a person can do, nicotine is one of the few that actually alters the neural synapses within the brain. In other words, it ca…Read More

  2. Dental Pain, Home Remedies, and Getting the Problem Taken Care of as Soon as Possible

    Dealing with any type of dental pain doesn’t have to slow you down or cause you a great deal of anxiety. The most important thing to realize when you experience pain in your tooth or gums is that it’s your body’s way of trying to indicate a serious problem has arisen. That means you should make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. In the meantime, here are some basic home re…Read More

  3. 6 Steps to a Brighter, More Confident Smile

    When you’re looking for more confidence, greater self-esteem, and a way to feel better about yourself when in the presence of others, you could do all of that by improving your smile. There are many things you can do to help improve your smile, and six steps are listed below. 1. Brush regularly. Brushing your teeth on a regular basis is one of the cornerstones of proper dental hygiene. It helps …Read More

  4. Manual or Electric Toothbrush: Which One’s Right for You

    Trying to decide between a manual or electric toothbrush may seem like a confusing endeavor. Ultimately, the most important thing is that you brush your teeth for at least two minutes twice a day. Preferably it’s best if you brush your teeth after every meal. However, that is not always practical, especially for most people who could be at a job when they take their lunch break, and so on. There…Read More

  5. Weighing the Choice to Follow Up with a 6-Month Checkup? Why the Choice is Obvious

    It had been quite a while since your last dental visit, and this one found three cavities and some other potential issues that may need to be addressed, or at least followed up on in the future. You were encouraged by your dentist to make an appointment for a six-month checkup, but now you’re trying to determine whether it’s even worth it. After all, even though you hadn’t been to see a dent…Read More

  6. How a Deep Cleaning Can Reduce the Risk of Gum Disease

    Brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash at least twice a day is great for oral care. These are good habits to develop no matter how old you are or what condition your teeth are in. It’s important to visit your dentist every six months to get a regular cleaning and sometimes a deep cleaning may be necessary. When dental bacterial plaque builds on the teeth, especially around the gum line, …Read More

  7. Don’t Stress Out! Choosing the Right Dentist Can Offer Comfort

    When you’re trying to find a new dentist, whether you are new to the Uxbridge area or haven’t been to a dentist in a long time, or even if you don’t feel comfortable with your current one, it may feel like an overwhelming decision to make. The most important thing anybody can tell you in this situation is to try to step back, relax, and don’t get overly worked up about the decision just ye…Read More

  8. Why It’s a Good Idea to Keep those Chipped Teeth

    Having a chipped tooth has the potential to make things much more difficult and uncomfortable. This all depends on the severity of the damage and which tooth it happens to be. If the chipped tooth is one of your front teeth, it can make you self-conscious about your smile, causing you to avoid laughing or smiling in public. It can also affect the type of foods you eat. For some people, having a ch…Read More

  9. Laser Dentistry: What it Is and How You Could Benefit from It

    The term ‘laser,’ can still conjure up images of futuristic ideals, even sci-fi television programs and movies. However, lasers are more commonly used in medicine, including dentistry, than ever before. This is a revolutionary technology that can provide tremendous benefits for those who require some type of dental work. The name ‘laser’ gets its name from Light Amplification by Stimulated…Read More

  10. Proper Flossing Techniques Actually Do Matter, so Use these Tips

    Flossing is an important part of proper oral care. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day, preferably after every meal. As part of your proper oral care strategy, this should also include flossing and then rinsing with mouthwash. The technique that you use in flossing is actually going to be incredibly important. If you don’t floss properly, you could be leaving behind food …Read More