1. Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

    If you struggle with fear of the dentist’s office, you’re not alone. In fact, thousands of people each year suffer from some level of dental anxiety, causing them to postpone treatments, cleanings, and regular checkups. This is why many dental practices are offering sedation dentistry as an option. At the Dental Centres, we’re proud to offer top-notch sedation dental treatments. No matter ho…Read More

  2. Oral Surgery and Getting Home

    It’s the middle of the afternoon and you just had major oral surgery. You didn’t plan ahead and drove yourself. Maybe your dentist or one of his or her assistance had advised you that it would be best to have somebody drive you to and from the appointment, but you didn’t pay attention to this. Now you are sitting in the middle of the waiting room too groggy to even contemplate getting behind…Read More

  3. Sedation Dentistry

    Many patients feel anxious and nervous prior to a scheduled dentist appointment. It is absolutely normal to feel a little bit worked up before an invasive procedure, although there is nothing to worry about since your dentist is a highly skilled professional. However, there are some patients who use sedation to relieve their pre-treatment anxiety and relax during their visit. What Type of Sedative…Read More

  4. Is Sedation Dentistry A Good Idea?

    Many people have major anxiety or fear associated with visiting the dentist. Most of these fears are unwarranted, as modern dental technology has allowed patients to experience full dental makeovers with very little pain. A possible solution for those who suffer severe anxiety might be sedation dentistry. What exactly is oral sedation dentistry? It is also known as relaxation dentistry, this merel…Read More

  5. What Is Nitrous Oxide & How Does It Work As An Anesthetic

    Nitrous oxide (N2 O), commonly known as laughing gas or happy gas, was first discovered in 1793 by the English scientist Joseph Priestly and has been used for more than 150 years. It has remained one of the most widely used anesthetics in both dental and medical applications. Nitrous oxide is administered by inhalation, absorbed by diffusion through the lungs, and eliminated via respiration. The e…Read More