imagesMany people have major anxiety or fear associated with visiting the dentist. Most of these fears are unwarranted, as modern dental technology has allowed patients to experience full dental makeovers with very little pain. A possible solution for those who suffer severe anxiety might be sedation dentistry.

What exactly is oral sedation dentistry? It is also known as relaxation dentistry, this merely refers to the practice of administering a sedative for the purpose of patient relaxation. There are different levels of sedation than can be used. In some cases, the patient will be completely unconscious and in other able to stay awake and respond to visual and verbal cues. No matter which type is used the patient will be in a state of relaxation that will make the dental experience far more pleasant.

When deciding if this type of dental visit is right for you, ask yourself how you feel when you go in for your regular visits. People may be interested in oral sedation for a variety of different reasons, but the best candidates are those who have high anxiety. If you have a severe gag reflex, back or neck problems, difficulty getting numb with regular medication you are also a good candidate for sedation.

There are some minor side effects that are common with sedation procedures. As with any medication different people will experience different effects. Dry mouth is the most common experienced by most people because oral medications reduce salivary flow during the dental procedure. It’s a good idea to ask your dentist about how the medications may affect you.

The different levels of sedation offered by The Dental Centre are:

– Intravenous Sedation – also known as “twilight sleep”
– Nitrous Oxide Sedation – also known as “laughing gas”
– Oral Medication

It is possible to stay fully conscious throughout some procedures depending on what type and how much sedation you are given. Your dentist will talk with you to determine how you will be most comfortable and determine the dosage and type based on your agreement.