hurt-tooth-300x257A cracked, chipped, or broken tooth may be painful or it could be just an aesthetic issue. Some people have heard about dental implants, fillings that can cover cracked or broken teeth, or other procedures that may seem to make more sense, but there’s a good reason why dentists do everything they can to help salvage a patient’s original tooth.

1. Your original teeth are much stronger than anything artificial.

Even with the most advanced technology and developments in dentistry, it’s always best to try to save your original teeth rather than simply resorting to extracting it and replacing it with an implant.

Your teeth are incredibly strong, which is why dentists admonish their patients to brush, floss, and rinse with mouthwash twice a day. That helps to protect them and keep them strong.

2. It is more cost-effective for you.

Dentists understand the burden that expensive procedures could have on their patients. A dental implant can cost several thousand dollars each while repairing and capping a cracked or chipped tooth my only cost a few hundred dollars.

3. It’s easier to maintain consistency.

Having a good looking smile is about consistency. If you have an implant, denture, or some other repair work that doesn’t look quite the same as the rest of your teeth, it will stand out, potentially causing you to be self-conscious about your smile. That isn’t going to help you in any way, shape, or form.

So if your dentist is doing everything he or she can to salvage your original teeth, there’s a good reason.