Screen-Shot-2013-04-10-at-1.35.56-PM-226x300Need to find a dentist? There are several important factors that go into making this decision. Here are some things you will want to consider:

Location and hours – It’s always wise to choose a dentist that is close to your home or work. This makes it easier to schedule appointments and to ensure you arrive on time. You should also make sure that they are available for dates and times when you can take the time to go in for your visit.

Cost – You will need to see if the dentist accepts your dental insurance. It is also a good idea to ask what payment options they offer. Costs can vary from practice to practice. If you are able to get estimates of what the dentist charges for common procedures such as filling, crowns, and root canals, you can compare and make sure you’re choosing the best dentist for your budget. Even if you have dental insurance, you may end up having to pay partial costs out of pocket.

Comfort – A very important thing to consider when choosing a dentist is your comfort level. Do you feel as though you can explain your symptoms to this person and ask questions? Do you feel that the dentist listens to you and understands your concerns? Are you comfortable asking them for pain medicine, asking questions about a potential procedure, and expressing any fears or anxiety you may have? These are all important feelings to consider in your decision making process.

Professional qualifications – The office should be able to inform you about the dentist’s training. Typically, certificates are available for the patients to see, so they know they are getting quality care. The office should also have policies on infection control. If you need further information or help, your insurance carrier should be able to give you the information you require.

Emergencies – Emergency situations arise quite a bit when if comes to dental care. You should find out how and when emergencies are handled. Some offices may have emergency appointments during office hours, while others may have special night or weekend appointments for emergency needs.