floss-700-300x199You want to do what’s right for your oral care. You brush your teeth twice a day, floss, and rinse with mouthwash. Or maybe you only brush twice a day, once in the morning and once right before you go to bed. If you think that is enough to take care of your teeth and avoid cavities, you’re making some serious mistakes.

Below are five signs that could indicate you’re not taking care of your oral health the way you should.

Sign #1: You don’t floss or rinse with mouthwash every time you brush. Flossing and rinsing with mouthwash (for at least two minutes each time) should be done every single time you brush your teeth. If you’re not doing that, you’re not taking care of your oral health like you should.

Sign #2: You have bad breath. Bad breath is usually a sign of excessive bacteria and food particles being left behind. That means you’re not focused on your oral care like you should.

Sign #3: You’ve never brushed your tongue. Part of proper oral health is to remove as much bad bacteria as possible, and a lot of it can hide on your tongue. Brush your tongue whenever you brush your teeth.

Sign #4: You’re using a heavy bristled toothbrush. This could actually be wearing down the enamel on your teeth, opening you up to more problems in the future. Use a soft to medium bristled toothbrush (medium at the toughest) and brush in a circular motion across all of your teeth, inside and out, for at least two minutes every time.

Sign #5: You haven’t visited the dentist in at least a year. Dental visits should occur every six months, and even though a lot of the dental insurance coverage that exists may only cover one cleaning and checkup a year, it’s still optimal to visit the dentist twice per year.

If you notice any of these signs apply to you, make an appointment with your dentist and get a regular checkup now. That could help find potential problems that have arisen since your last checkup.