floss-700-300x199Flossing seems to intimidate far too many people. Yet flossing is one of the most important aspects of proper oral care. If you don’t know how to floss properly, your teeth are not in proper alignment, or they seem to be jammed together extremely tight, you might have difficulty working the floss in between the teeth.

This can cause you to give up flossing altogether. Don’t give up. Here are four steps that can help you improve your flossing technique and this extremely important oral care habit.

Step #1: Choose the right floss for you.

You can choose from waxed and unwaxed floss. Waxed floss is much better for teeth that are packed relatively close to one another, which makes it difficult to get the floss between them. No matter how close your teeth are together, you can get this type of floss between them. You might remember your dentist or dental assistant having no trouble the last time you had a regular cleaning.

Step #2: Use the right amount of floss.

If you have floss stretched out that is too long in between your fingers, it makes the floss more pliable. That makes it more difficult to get in between your teeth.

You should only have about 2 or 3 cm of length in between your fingers. You can also rely on those floss pics if it makes it easier for you.

Step #3: Avoid pressing down too hard initially.

Your gums will likely be sensitive if you haven’t taken proper care of your teeth in recent years. While you need to press down to get the floss between your teeth, try to avoid pressing them too hard right away.

Step #4: Be consistent.

If you start flossing one day and don’t do it the next it’s going to make it that much more difficult to maintain a good habit. If you floss every time you brush your teeth and then rinse with mouthwash afterward, you will notice it becoming easier and easier to floss consistently. That will lead to better oral health, fresher breath, and a more confident smile.