kidbraces-200x300For a young teenager, the first day, week, and month with braces can be extremely difficult to handle. They may feel extremely self-conscious, avoid smiling, and even cover their mouth when they’re talking. Coping with braces becomes an important part of dealing with them on an emotional level. Here are four ways that can help teenagers, and even adults, cope with their braces.

1. Focus on the end date. When most people get braces, their orthodontist essentially estimates how long they will have them on. This is an estimation, keep in mind, and not a hard date, but when a teenager can focus on the end date, when they’re going to get it off, it can make them realize this isn’t a lifelong curse.

2. Realize there will be pain at times. When braces are tightened, it places increased pressure on the teeth and gums as those teeth are being pulled or pushed into proper position. This can cause pain, especially shortly after an adjustment.

3. Know that many other teens in school will have braces as well. Many young teens believe they are the only ones going through a particular challenge in life. However, when they realize others are also coping with braces, it can help them feel much more comfortable with the situation.

4. Speak to other teens who have already had braces. Whether another teen like a friend or older sibling has braces now or had them in the past, speaking to them can open their eyes to the various experiences they may be having. They could have doubts or questions or low self-confidence. When they realize what somebody else they look up to went through, and see that they got through it fine, it can help them cope much more effectively.