hurt-tooth-300x257Several decades ago, whenever somebody had a cavity and needed it to be filled, the most common was a silver amalgam, which usually consists of some level of mercury mixed with silver, zinc, tin, or copper. Today, there are many different types of fillings a person can choose from.

Teeth can be filled with porcelain, gold, that silver amalgam, plastic, and composite resin.

If you have visited your dentist recently and it was determined you have cavities, you may be given those options. Some dentists will limit the type of options for their patients simply because the cost of keeping every type of filling on hand may be prohibitive to their practice.

Mercury has been known to cause serious health issues for some people. It may be a more cost-effective solution to choose a silver amalgam that contains some level of mercury, but if you want to avoid the prospect of health issues in the future, it’s a good idea to choose one of the other options. A composite resin may be an incredibly cost-effective option that can also help avoid the appearance of silver in your mouth. Many of these composite resins are white and are designed to match the color of your teeth as closely as possible.

What should you do when you are told you have cavities?

The best thing is to talk to your dentist about the various filling options available to you. If any of them contain mercury, ask about other options that don’t contain this potentially harmful material.