post-oral-surgery-300x199Sensitive teeth can be painful and frustrating. When you have sensitive teeth it could lead to a number of pain experiences, and it can also keep you from smiling as often as you may like.

In most cases, sensitive teeth is the result of improper or poor dental care. There are several things you can do to deal with the sensitive teeth you’re experiencing, including changing your diet, getting the right dental care, and looking at other aspects that could be causing the sensitivity issue for you.

Potential Sensitivity Causes

Having hot or cold liquids or food could cause your teeth to react in a sensitive nature. Drinking coffee, eating ice cream, and other similar activities would likely be things to avoid when you have sensitive teeth.

There are numerous reasons why someone’s teeth may become sensitive. The most common happens to deal with worn down tooth enamel. Enamel is the protective barrier surrounding the teeth. As the enamel gets worn down through improper oral care, the nerves within the tooth become exposed and any temperature fluctuations become much more sensitive.

Acidic and sticky foods can also stimulate the nerve cells, causing pain.

Periodontal disease is another potential cause of sensitive teeth. Periodontal disease affects the gums and the jawbone and will wear down the gum tissue until it reaches the roots of your teeth. Cavities, fractured teeth, and worn out fillings may also be a cause of tooth sensitivity.

How to Combat Tooth Sensitivity

There are several things you can do to help combat tooth sensitivity. Limit the amount or types of acidic foods you eat. Drink water when eating anything that is considered acidic. This will help dilute the acid in your mouth.

Brush your teeth, floss, and rinse with mouthwash after every meal. Keep in mind that the ideal time to brush your teeth is at least a half hour after you’ve eaten. This will allow the saliva to protect layers of the teeth.

Getting a tooth guard if you have a tendency to grind your teeth at night can also be beneficial. Finally, look for soft bristled toothbrushes rather than hard bristles.

Ultimately, visiting your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings can help to reduce sensitivity of your teeth.