choosing-dentist-300x219If you’ve been wishing your smile was better than it looks, that it was whiter, offered you more confidence, or provided you better smelling breath, it’s never too late to focus on proper oral care.

The most important thing anyone can do for their oral health is to brush, floss, and rinse with mouthwash at least twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. You should be spending at least two minutes brushing your teeth each time, then flossing, then rinsing with mouthwash for at least one minute.

Below are four other great tips that can help you get the smile you might have only been dreaming about until recently.

1. Visit your dentist regularly. Dentists recommend a regular cleaning and checkup every six months. This helps the dentist get plaque and other buildup off your teeth that can’t be removed by brushing alone.

2. Use the right toothbrush. Whether you prefer an electric toothbrush or a manual one, it’s a good idea to replace it every two or three months. If you don’t replace it, not only do the bristles wear out, you’re also just transferring bacteria back to your mouth. You should also focus on a soft to medium bristle toothbrush and avoid hard bristle brushes.

3. Eat ‘detergent’ foods. These are foods that can help clean your teeth even while you’re eating. Celery, carrots, and apples are some of the best you could choose.

4. Gargle with mouth wash. Doing this in the morning and then brushing as you normally do will help to remove stains on your teeth and that will help to whiten them as well. A side benefit is it will kill bacteria in your mouth and gums that can cause bad breath.