Cosmetic-DentistryThe difference between a fantastic smile you can confidently flash to everyone and one you’d like to hide away from the world is in cosmetic dentistry. It is important that you choose your dentist carefully so you know you’re working with someone who understands cosmetic work and will help you achieve the smile you’re looking for. Before settling with a dentist, ask questions to make sure you’re both on the same page in terms of treatment.

Ask about the outcome, you both need to be clear on the expectations of your treatments. You should know and feel comfortable with what your smile will look like once the work is done. This includes everything from color and shape to big changes like tooth alignment and bite. Some dentists may have pictures of previous clients and others might have reference charts to give you an idea. Always make sure that the result looks realistic and pleasing.

Also be sure to find out if there will be follow up treatments required (or even just recommended). Some procedures require additional treatments over time to get the results you want. You don’t want to be surprised with a dental appointment every week for months. Make sure that the treatment schedule you are given is optimum and within the least possible time.

Office visits vary, get an idea of how long each will be so you can schedule and plan your treatments effectively. There are some treatments and procedures that require pre or post fasting. Find out in advance if yours have any such requirements so you can schedule them at the best times to make avoiding food and drink the easiest.

Ask if there will be need for anesthesia or Novocaine for any of your treatments. Knowing ahead of time that there will be some pain or discomfort is helpful for most people. Being mentally prepared is usually better than being surprised with a needle.

You may have to follow certain guidelines for a while after your treatments or procedure. For example if you have veneers put on, you will need to avoid certain foods that can easily stain them. The doctor may recommend special toothpaste, mouthwash and toothbrush and you may have to use the mouthwash frequently.

A reputable and honest dentist will always take the time to answer all of your questions – he or she will want you to be as prepared as possible. Avoid any dentist that gives you vague answers or avoids any concerns that you bring up.

A good dentist will talk to you about the good and bad of every procedure – there are cons to every option, make sure you discuss these. With your questions answered, you may want to do a bit of research on your own and get feedback from other people who underwent similar treatments. Only agree to the treatment once you are comfortable with every aspect of it.